Express Platform Tour

Witness firsthand how EventsAir transforms event planning and delivers automation and simple, practical workflows within to minimise manual effort and mitigate human error.

In this 10-minute overview and product demo Tom Gray (Director of Sales at EventsAir) will show you how you can streamline your in-person, virtual or hybrid events using EventsAir.

What you'll learn in this demo

You'll get to dive under the surface of the platform and get a feel for the capability and customization possibilities.

  • How to build simple interactive event tools like registration forms, event websites and agendas.
  • How to create logic-based workflows and tools which allow for a customized experiences for various types of attendees.
  • Quickly deploy an attendee app which dynamically updates itself based on changes you make to your agenda, speakers and more.
  • EventsAir highlight reel, including customers, features and use cases.